
You Make it Happen!

Bears, Bikers & Mayhem is a 100% volunteer organization. Some of our volunteers work year-round, planning and preparing. Others work in the weeks leading up to the event to get all the details taken care of. And others work throughout the weekend to ensure the event goes smoothly and our guests have a great time.

Without the many volunteers supporting BBM, we would never be able to hold the event and raise money to support our beneficiaries.

Our volunteers not only get to enjoy the weekend, but they also receive a free Gold run pass.

Please note that there are a limited number of volunteer spots and preference is given to past volunteers.

Interested in Volunteering?

If you have any additional questions or want to volunteer, please get in touch with our Volunteer Coordinator, Noah,  below:

Volunteer Shifts

If you are a confirmed volunteer for this year’s event, you will need to pick your shifts.  Use the form below to sign up.

What is expected of you as a potential volunteer for BBM?

Please note this should not be considered a complete or exhaustive list. It should help lay the foundation for what the weekend is all about for a volunteer.

  1. Volunteers work 10-15 hours throughout the weekend, generally in no more than 4 hours shifts. The average length of time is 12 hours in total. This is subject to change but is a reasonably accurate account from years past.
  2. Yes, sometimes your shift involves you working during an event you may have wanted to attend. That’s part of the tradeoff on volunteering instead of paying for a run package. But the chance you will work all the events you want to attend is minimal at best.
  3. Volunteering opportunities range from (and you have the option to choose or not choose to do a particular activity) working a virtual cash register for run participants to purchase beverage tickets to scanning participants for entry to events to building the after-hours playrooms or evening dance/ballrooms.
  4. It should be said that the earlier you arrive onsite for the BBM weekend, the earlier you can schedule your volunteering time. For those that wish to participate in the activities during the event, getting your volunteer duties “done and over with” early in the “game” can be advantageous. But we understand that work schedules may not permit you to arrive until the run is underway. Those arriving mid-day/late Friday will have their volunteer activities more towards the back end of the event. Please note that unless there is a medical emergency, there is every expectation that volunteers will fulfill the hours they sign up for.
  5. Volunteers receive a Gold run pass, which means volunteers are entitled to participate in every meal and activity provided in the Gold run pass. Volunteers may upgrade their pass to a VIP run pass by paying the additional cost above the Gold Pass. All breakfasts (cold breakfasts on Friday and Saturday, hot brunch on Sunday), the picnic on Saturday, and dinner on Saturday night. Note that meals not included in the run passes (namely, Friday lunch and dinner) are not provided for Volunteers, though if we have extra food from other activities, we may be able to offer them to our Volunteers.
  6. Volunteer run-passes do not include a “comped” hotel room. You arrange for your hotel room once you receive your run-pass order number. Volunteers scheduled to work on Sunday can request a late checkout to allow them to finish their duties. We will try to assist on your behalf in alerting the hotel staff of the names of the volunteers who need late checkout.
  7. Leather attire is NOT a requirement for volunteers. You will be provided a volunteer t-shirt that we require you to wear during your volunteering activities. Other than that, it’s suggested you dress the part when events are going on, but it’s in NO WAY mandatory to have anything other than the volunteer t-shirt.

If you are OK with what you have read so far, and you are interested in volunteering, please get contact us with the form below:

Interested in being a volunteer?

Contact Noah, our Volunteer Coordinator to sign up. Please note that Volunteer spots are extremely limited, and at this time we will put you on the interest list for open spots as they arise.

[email protected]

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